8 Tips for Parents to Conquer Back To School


8 Tips for Parents to Conquer Back to School

I want to share with you an article I wrote for Huff Post recently! Many of the tips will bring calm to the crazy days of back to school! 

Look no further than your local grocery store and all the signs (literally) point to “Back To School”. The teardrop in a parent’s eye, knowing the warm weather is about to end, is suddenly replaced with another emotion…Panic!! 

“I need school supplies… lists… lunch materials…I need to purge kid’s clothing…out with shorts and in with pants or leggings!”

While this time of year can be overwhelming, North America’s favourite family dinner expert and International best selling author, Sandi Richard, has expert tips on how she managed back to school with her seven (yup, that’s correct) kids! Her advice to parents is simple. You are in the driver’s seat and if you commandeer a few little tricks — you’ve got this!

1. Get organized!

If you want to be more organized allow your kids to do the same by giving them a task or two they can own. This not only frees up a parent’s time for other things, but also, and more importantly, opens up the opportunity for positive reinforcement within the family. “High five,” “Great job,” — words of affirmation mean kids thrive! When kids thrive, the house is calmer, when the house is calmer even the hardest tasks seem much easier to handle. Do you see where I’m going with all this?  Continue reading 8 Tips for Parents to Conquer Back To School

Chili-Glazed Chicken


Here is the crazy easy and so delicious recipe for the 900 students at St John Catholic High School! The students were awesome and a student demo pulled off making it on stage in about 2 minutes flat!

Recipe from Anyone Can Cook Dinner

Less than a 15 minute prep for the whole meal and only 362 calories.

Chili-Glazed Chicken

Continue reading Chili-Glazed Chicken